Coder has gone to the Rainbow Bridge

Our Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Coder, passed away on Sunday March 20, 2011, sometime between 5 and 5:25 am. He was snuggled up against my legs and his passing did not wake me up, so hopefully it was peaceful.

He had been diagnosed with “something wrong” in September 2010. That was formally diagnosed as histiocytic sarcoma in November after his spleen was removed in October and analyzed. We tried chemo, but unfortunately, his cancer was in the 47% group that fails to respond to chemo. Once nodules appeared in his liver, we decided to do hospice care — no more diagnostics and comfort care only when he seemed uncomfortable. We had 2 more months and most of those were golden — he seemed to be pain free and certainly continued to enjoy eating, going for walks, jumping onto the bed and sofa and welcoming us home.

He was a good dog — not a perfect dog, but a good dog. He only bit one person that we know about and that was a vet tech just after his splenectomy in October. We successfully protected him from children for his whole life with us.

Portrait of Coder, Cardigan Welsh Corgi

By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.