Quick table runner

I seem to have gotten behind on posting my quilts. Most are still just tops, but pretty nonetheless. This one is from GE Quilt Designs and is the Fast and Furious Club project for September 2021.

Photo of a table runner in an elongated hexagon shape. Primarily in orange, red and tan colors, with a black border and orange/green binding.
Confetti Betty pattern from GE Quilt Designs

This is a quilt as you go project and I did have some difficulty finding appropriate fusible batting. I ended up using fusible fleece, which seems to have worked just fine. Fusing the backing and the fleece was tedious as I have a cordless iron and need to remember to allow it to reheat in its stand on a regular basis. I like that the quilting was done when I finished sewing the pieces together, but I miss the more intricate and intense quilting that I usually do on a piece this size. And I need to practice binding oblique corners. Overall, I’m pleased with this project. I think I will make some coordinating placemats and see how that goes — probably rectangular rather than lozenge shape.

Pattern info is here: Confetti Betty

By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.