Boysen is gone

OBoysen_2014-01-02ur beloved Corgi, Boysen (aka Boy or Boyfriend), has left us for the Rainbow Bridge. On Friday (March 14) he stopped eating. Saturday, he went to the vet, then to the vet hospital. Wednesday (March 19), we helped him to the next life as his body had become a heavy burden to him. We are still waiting for the last of his tests in the hopes that we will have a sense of what he died of. This much we know: bad things were happening in his bone marrow.

Our other Corgi, Ghita, has cancer. She is currently holding it back, but it won’t stay back forever. We had hoped that we would have Boysen to go forward with after her passing. She is bereft. Boysen led the way to the water bowl and they would drink from the same bowl at the same time. She is barely drinking any water now.

Ghita (in the red shirt), post-biopsy, snuggled up with Boysen.
Ghita (in the red shirt), post-biopsy, snuggled up with Boysen.

He was a joy-bringer. His zest for life was amazing. He loved to bark — sometimes it was a bit much. He danced for his supper. He kept tabs on everything that was happening in the neighborhood. He told the deer in our yard to move along. He loved his walkies. He was a gentle being — never offering grumbles or snaps to those who provided his care.

We miss him.

Categorized as Pets

By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.